
copy of Monstera Obliqua ‘Monkey Mask’ - L

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monstera obliqua dimensions

Monstera Deliciosa's cousin can easily be recognized with its small, delicate leaves covered in lots of oval holes.

  • Brightness Bright indirect light
  • Humidity High need in humidity
  • Growth stage Baby plant
  • Difficulty Appreciates a little care


Origin : Central America, particularly Mexico.
Personality : Appreciates a little care.
Earmark : Smaller than its cousin Deliciosa, the Adansonii comes with small delicate leaves, covered in oval holes.
Say something smart : Monstera is also called Swiss Cheese plant (for obvious reasons). On top of looking good, it also is quite smart (total package), as the holes in its leaves were naturally developped to resist the strong winds in its natural habitat.


Which container?

A planter usually looks nice, but we recommend not to plant your new baby directly in one.
Leave it in its current pot until Spring, then ideally transfer it into a terracota pot with little drain holes when it looks cramped.

Finding its place

Brightness : High level of brightness, but no direct sun. 
Avoid letting it feel draughts near the windows and take it away from heating sources.
Humidity : 60 % or more.
Tip : Spray its leaves with water (ideally rain-water) once a week. 
Tip 2 : Place some wet clay pebbles under the pot, so they keep diffusing humidity. 
Temperature : Min : 18°C | Max : 30°C |Ideal : 22-26°C

Day-to-day care

Watering (purely indicative, depends on your local environment): once a week in Spring/Summer, and once every 10 days in Autumn and Winter.
Tip : Put your knuckle in the ground. If it feels totally dry, add some water to keep the soil wet (but not soaking it). 
Fertilizer : Once every other week, from March to September